Sunday, June 27, 2010

cutout, queen rearing and bottled mead

I started and finished another cutout today. It was in a second story bedroom. I removed the wall and got the bees out. Never found a queen. The comb is small cell and not larger sizes. I then crawled on the roof and we cut into the soffit/box overhang and made sure there were no other bees in there. Just mouse damage.

Yesterday I also bottled the Ancient Orange mead and the Strawberry Chocolate Vanilla mead. Talk about good stuff!!!!!!!!!!

This is a combo of both..... I call it sunset mead. Very complex taste and VERY good.

1 comment:

  1. Mead is something I need to learn more about. I had no idea this could be done with honey.

    Doing cutouts are fascinating. It would be fun to see firsthand.


weather at the hive