Friday, December 23, 2011

losing bees left and right

I had an extraction call in an apartment complex.... Turned out to be yellow jackets. I was not too thrilled to find them in the attic space above the heated apartment. I informed them they needed to call a pest control company.

I still have 12 hives. It is wierd as some of them are only half way through their rations and some are onto the sugar I put on top (to make sure they didnt starve over the winter). We are having a really warm winter and I think a few hives have not figured it out......

Either way, I will be concentrating on recouperating my losses and making honey to sell instead of selling nucs. I will probably end up selling 2 or 3 extras anyway. But, this year I am planning on honey and removing old comb and replacing it with new comb.

I replace 20% of my hives comb every year. That equates to about 1/2 a brood chamber. It takes a lot of sugar or honey to replace that. I am hoping that we will have a good honey flow and I can get them to replace it fast.


  1. this fall has been dicey for Maine bees as well - too warm for too long. fingers crossed! looking forward to your next update.

  2. I'm so sorry about the bee losses Jared. I haven't been out to check mine but I've not seen any activity around one hive from afar so I'm thinking I may have lost one.

    Glad to see you blogging again!


weather at the hive